The DAV institutions are the gift of Arya Samaj, a progressive movement founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in 1875. Swami Dayanand Saraswati the great path-maker of modern India led a crusade against the superstitious and pernicious practices that prevailed in contemporary India. With a view to bring about a balanced and harmonious development of the future citizens of this country and to infuse in them the ideals of vedic culture and high sense of patriotism, Arya samaj found a school at Lahore in 1886 by the name of DAYANAND ANGLO-VEDIC SCHOOL.
This established the DAV college trust & management society, which later set up a network of such educational institutions all over India and aboard. The DAV movement would not have achieved it’s goal if had not a young brilliant graduate Mahatma Hansraj- the first Principal of the first DAV institutions. Who offered his honorary services as Jeevan Daan, for 25 Yrs. Matchless also is the sacrifice of his brother, Lala Mulkraj. Who fulfilled his pledge of supporting Hansraj’s family all the years.
The DAV institutions have rendered a unique services, it not only dispelling, ignorance and illiteracy but also in producing patriots, freedom fighters, social reformers, intellectuals, thinkers, legal luminaries, doctors, and engineers of unparallel merit, integrity, and caliber. Presently, it is the largest non-government educational organisation in the country managing over 700 educational institutions.
The DAV vision of education telescopes well with the National Policy on Education (1986) which lays great emphasis on developing a national system of education, with Education For All, keeping in mind the elimination of disparities in the educational system and provision of more facilities through qualitative interventions, empowerment of women, access to education to disadvantaged sections of the society, educationally backward minorities and the disabled. It also calls for greater rigour and discipline in academic pursuits, autonomy and accountability, experimentation and innovation and nurture excellence and modernization of processes at different levels of education. In order to accomplish the mission, the objectives laid down are as under:-
To provide a wide range of holistic education by homogenizing the western knowledge while remaining anchored to the Indian cultural moorings;
To act as a catalyst of change by spreading education, and by dismantling the cobwebs of ignorance and illiteracy;
To develop individuals who are morally upright, intellectually well-informed, socially concerned, emotionally balanced, physically well-developed and culturally accomplished;
To stimulate a scientific temper by crusading against superstitions and out-dated customs like child marriage, caste system, female foeticide, dowry, gender bias, regionalism etc;
To sensitize individuals towards social welfare and
To nurture creative and resourceful minds who think big, think fast and think ahead, who care for the nation and the weaker sections of society, and are imbued with humanistic passions and values.
The School plans picnic and educational tours for the students. Students may visit to places of natural importance, to Historical Places, Meuseums, Factories, Research Institutions etc. to give them a first hard knowledge.